[CentOS] (?) Dangling ssh-agent processes with GNOME

Wed Dec 21 21:01:24 UTC 2005
Alexander Dalloz <ad+lists at uni-x.org>

Am Mi, den 21.12.2005 schrieb Jay Leafey um 20:17:

> I recently noticed a LOT of ssh-agent processes running on my system (CentOS 4.2).  It seems that the ssh-agent gets started before 
> the session manager (in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc-common) which is great.  The only problem is that the agent process does not die when 
> the session shuts down.
> I run ssh-add in my session startup to get my key loaded into ssh-agent, so that might be part of the issue.

That is the cause of what you describe.

>   I just haven't been 
> able to figure out where to kill the beast.  Is there somewhere I can run an arbitrary program when the session manager runs down? 
> A medium-intensity search of the docs and sourcecode didn't turn up anything applicable.  Plenty of ways to run programs at session 
> START, but not at the end.  Anybody got any ideas?

Use "keychain" for more flexibility in loading and handling ssh keys
with ssh-agent.



Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG http://pgp.mit.edu 0xB366A773
legal statement: http://www.uni-x.org/legal.html
Fedora Core 2 GNU/Linux on Athlon with kernel 2.6.11-1.35_FC2smp 
Serendipity 21:58:31 up 17 days, 2:35, load average: 0.20, 0.17, 0.09 
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