[CentOS] ATRpms repo question...

Sun Dec 25 21:23:03 UTC 2005
Jose Alburquerque <jaalburquerque at cox.net>

I think I understand.  Your answer clears things up a bit.  My resulting 
question would be:  Will the same rpms that are found in these 
repositories appear down the line in the CentOS base rpms repository?  
If so, then I would just be a little ahead of the game.  Thanks again.


Johnny Hughes wrote:

>On Sun, 2005-12-25 at 12:24 -0500, Jose Alburquerque wrote:
>>Hi.  I'm fairly new with CentOS but have been using version 4.2 with 
>>great satisfaction (Thank you!).  I've been using repos such as Dag and 
>>Dries successfully to keep my packages up to date.  (I've seen many 
>>posts which allow me to believe that these repos won't change CentOS 
>>compatibility to RHEL4 or to migrate it another distro for that 
>>matter!)  My question applies to the ATRpms repo (which has el4 rpms).  
>>Can I safely use this repo to "yum update" my system?  When I added the 
>>repo to the yum repos (and to the up2date repos as well), I noticed more 
>>than 100 packages to be updated (some seem to be system packages like 
>>alsa-lib, autoconf, glib2, etc.)  Can I update with this repo and 
>>maintain same basic system and functionality?  Thanks for your answers.
>ATrpms will replace several base RPMS ... as to whether or not that is
>what you want, that is up to you.
>I am normally very careful what RPMS I add to my system that are
>external to the CentOS repos.
>I do use Dag's repo (usually with a "includepkgs=" set so that I only
>update packages that I know about).
>I am very careful though, and other people have use Dag, Dries and
>ATrpms without problems ... so maybe I am just a little bit too
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