[Centos] error when trying access internet.

Tru Huynh

tru at pasteur.fr
Wed Feb 23 17:38:19 UTC 2005

On Wed, Feb 23, 2005 at 12:52:38PM -0300, Tiago Bahi - VOE INTERNET wrote:
> Hello, Tru
> Yes,
yes to which question?

<off topic>
could you
- stop "top posting" and quote the relevant part 
  of the message you are answering?
- avoid resending the complete email you are answering?

</off topic>

> No problem to resolv hosts.
> But not connecting yet.
can you ping outside your LAN ?
	ping www.google.com
can you traceroute outside your LAN ?
	traceroute www.google.com
(please run the commands and copy the output)


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