[Centos] Laptop/Beta4 problems

Tue Feb 8 12:20:47 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Tue, 2005-02-08 at 09:48 +0000, first last wrote:
> After getting the sound working (thanks Timothy!) now I have two more
> issues with my Compaq V2000 laptop/CentOS 4beta:
> -The time/date does not seem to get stored. I change it everyday but it
> just doesn't seem to save it, the next time I reboot I get a date in
> Jan and the time goes back at least 4 hours (it doesn't seem to be a
> fixed amount). I would just run ntpd but the computer is not always
> online. Any suggestions? Sometimes it complains about not being able to
> access rtc on shutdown.
> -Changing the mouse settings (a synaptic pad) so I can have left click
> on tap instead of middle click crashes the computer solid (not even a
> ping), no log.
> -Are there any apt sources for Beta4? None of the lists I have found
> work and most of them don't even seem to mirror beta.caosity.org (and
> knowing what the bandwidth bill came up to I'd rather not use the main
> server).

Using beta.centos.org is the only way to update the beta distros ... we
don't push the beta tree to mirrors.  We have the cost for
beta.centos.org sorted out {I think :)}, so there shouldn't be a problem
with getting updates from there.

> -glib-config is missing from glib-devel. This seems to be a RHEL bug
> (at least judging by my searches) that can be fixed by installin the
> Fedora Core 3 rpm.

thanks for the info ... is this issue causing major problems for you?  I
would rather not push anything before the RC1 is released at this point
(soon after the RH EL4 official release).  Also, we normally don't fix
items like this until they are fixed upstream.

If you need me to build it, point me to a bug entry that discusses which
version of the glibc SRPM to use and i'll build the SRPM and make it
downloadable from my personal website though.

Johnny Hughes