[Centos] help with xargs and mv

Wed Feb 9 18:44:48 UTC 2005
James B. Byrne <ByrneJB at Harte-Lyne.ca>

Thank you for that clarification.

Now what happens is this:

#cat workmv | xargs -i mv ./mqueue/'{}' ./mqueue/offline
mv: cannot stat `./mqueue/*j17KeeL7025621': No such file or 
mv: cannot stat ... one for each entry in workmv

# ll ./mqueue/*j17KeeL7025621
-rw-------	1 root	root		19397	Feb  7 15:41 
-rw-------	1 root	smmsp	1812		Feb  8 13:41 

Do I need to escape the leading * in the workfile?


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James B. Byrne                Harte & Lyne Limited
vox: +1 905 561 1241          9 Brockley Drive
fax: +1 905 561 0757          Hamilton, Ontario
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