[Centos] RHEL support of J2EE enterprise tier; was tomcat where ?

Wed Feb 16 23:02:28 UTC 2005
John Newbigin <jnewbigin at ict.swin.edu.au>

Tom Scott wrote:

> any news about whether they'll provide an open-source IDE, probably 
> based on Netbeans 4.1, that supports development of EJBs?
There is the RedHat(r) Developer Suite which is basically eclipse.  They 
have RHDS1 = Eclipse 2.1 and RHDS2 = Eclipse 3

Not sure if that is what you want.

I would also think that they will switch to use the JPackage eclipse, 
but I could just be making that up :)


> -- TT
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John Newbigin
Computer Systems Officer
Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies
Swinburne University of Technology
Melbourne, Australia