AW: [Centos] 3Ware 9xxx 9500S-4LP SATA Raid with CentOS3.3?

Tue Feb 22 14:26:05 UTC 2005
Ryan Lane <ryanlane at>

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 18:40:33 -0700, Seth Bardash
<seth at> wrote:
> BTW, Matt telling you to wait for Centos 4 is not a solution. CentOS 4 is
> based on kernel-2.6.9-5.EL.i686.rpm - to the best of my knowledge this DOES
> NOT contain the 3w-9xxx drivers. The drivers have been added to 2.6.10 and
> later.

Seth -- I just installed RHEL 4 AS, and the 3w-9xxx is included.  But
I'm suspicious.  I have _really crappy performance on my raid array
now.  I don't have any numbers with me now, but for example, it takes
about 20-25 minutes to format a 260G partition.  Read write is
horrible too.  I haven't had time to troubleshoot yet (or contact RH,
since this box has support).  So the driver is there, but tweaking may
be necessary.
