[Centos] The new CentOS3.4 version

C.M. Connelly

cmc at math.hmc.edu
Tue Jan 25 02:27:44 UTC 2005

"JP" == Joe Polk <listuser at javelinux.com>
"dn" == donavan nelson <donavan at 4wx.net>

    JP> I'm still confused. How do I move from 3.3
    JP> to 3.4? I've seen one post that says in 3-4 days it will
    JP> happen with a normal update? So 'yum update' is all I do?
    JP> This sounds incredibly simple...so it can't be right! :)

    dn> If you choose NOT to follow the steps from the release
    dn> notes (read them all).
    dn> http://www.centos.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=34
    dn> you will have to run yum update twice.  Once to upgrade to
    dn> CentOS 3.4 yum.conf and once to update to the new
    dn> packages.

Hmm.  Did the automatic process actually work for anyone?

At some point my CentOS mirror was rewritten such that the 3.3/os
directory vanished, which broke upgrades/updates completely.  By
commenting out the [base] section in a yum.conf file I could get
updates back, but still no easy upgrade path.

By following the instructions in the article mentioned I could
upgrade to 3.4, but no magic upgrade path has happened yet.


  Claire Connelly                              cmc at math.hmc.edu 
  Systems Administrator                          (909) 621-8754   
  Department of Mathematics                 Harvey Mudd College

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