[Centos] Re: I'm gonna kill YUM (mailing list version ;-) )

Wed Jan 19 20:33:17 UTC 2005
Alejandro Reyero <axl at todojuegos.com>


> you've added them to your public key ring - not to your rpmdb.

> rpm --import thekey

> that will make it work.

> -sv


I've done that and I get the same error and the same list publick keys:


pub  1024D/025E513B 2004-03-15 CentOS-3 Key <centos-3key at caosity.org>

sub  2048g/EE899A92 2004-03-15 [expires: 2009-03-14]


Should I see something different ???


Can any one tell me step by step how to delete ALL keys from EVERYWHERE
(rpm, gpg.) and re-add them ?? Maybe I'm missing something.




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