[Centos] RHEL question

Fri Jan 21 23:37:16 UTC 2005
Taco Scargo <centos at scargo.nl>

No, you can do this with any Red Hat product, even with basic support.
You do not need your own RHN (Proxy or Satellite) server


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Meyers" <steve-centos at spamwiz.com>
To: "CentOS discussion and information list" <centos at caosity.org>
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2005 12:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Centos] RHEL question

> Beau Henderson wrote:
>> This is probably better off sent to Redhat sales than the centos mailing 
>> list...
> I tried asking them, they tell me they'll get back to me and then never 
> respond.  We'd love to send some money their way, but it's difficult when 
> you can't get their sales department to answer simple questions. :)
>>>From a quick glance, you need a special RHN subscription:
>> http://www.redhat.com/software/rhn/table/
>> Either Proxy or Satelite.
> That would have been my guess, but it all seems to be tailored to using 
> up2date, so I wasn't sure.
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