[Centos] CentOS Release Lifeline

Sat Jan 22 09:57:22 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Fri, 2005-01-21 at 23:24 -0500, Fred Whipple wrote:
> Hi all,
> The usual apologies if this has been answered; I didn't see the answer
> anywhere on the site or googleing the archives...
> Since CentOS is a RHEL rebuild (and this is brilliant!), does that
> imply that CentOS will continue to provide security patches and bug
> fixes so long as Red Hat continues to release them for a given version
> of RHEL?  That's to say that Red Hat commits to 5 years of updates for
> any given version of RHEL.  Will CentOS benefit for those same 5
> years?
> I ask because Scientific Linux commits (or, plans) to support 3 years
> after a release.

It is the CentOS plan to support our versions as long as the version of
RHEL they track is supported ... we (and Lineox) are the only RHEL
clones to have a 2.x, a 3.x, and a 4.x(beta) version right now.

Johnny Hughes