[Centos] Open/Closed Ports

Tue Jan 11 06:29:45 UTC 2005
donavan nelson <donavan at 4wx.net>

Wayne Bastow wrote:
> Hi,
> Just installed CentOS 3.3. I said to allow only http and ssh when I
> did the install. I can ssh to the machine and until I compiled apache
> 2 and installed it seperately I could connect to the default web
> server. I am running oracle on the box and have found that I can't
> connect remotely to oracle from another linux box (sql*net works fine
> on the CentOS box itself). I think it is because the port (oracle is
> on 1521) is blocked. Can anyone give me an idea of where to start?
> I've looked at hosts.deny/allow  and they both contain no entries and
> I can't find anything in /etc that seems to be involved in the
> problem.

it is that iptables firewall that you enabled during installation.  I 
don't use the thing myself, but I'm sure you are getting blocked by that.

As for your apache problem, I'd have no clue.  I run a stock apache 
server as I trust RH to keep it patched.
