[Centos] CentOS 3.4 - i386 release

Tue Jan 11 09:05:02 UTC 2005
Michiel van Es <michiele at info.nl>

I manually installed the centos-yumcache.
But what to do next to upgrade your box from 3.3 => 3.4 ?

Thanks for your help.


Lance Davis wrote:
> For Release:  January 10, 2005
> The CentOS Team is pleased to announce the official release of CentOS
> 3.4 for i386.
> This release includes all RHEL 3 updates (for U4) and errata up to
> January 5th, 2005.  New ISO images are available as well as an
> installable DVD edition with source.  In addition this release is
> available via BitTorrent.
> Downloading -- Bittorrent
> -------------------------
> Purchasing
> ----------
> isos are available to purchse from www.cheeplinux.com (UK) and should
> also be available from a number of other online vendors.
> Upgrade Notes
> -------------
> Initially CentOS 3.3 systems will not be automatically upgraded to
> CentOS 3.4.  However in 72-96 hours from this announcment the
> centos-release rpm for 3.4 will be added to the 3.3 tree and that will
> force automatic upgrades when using yum.
> If you do NOT want to upgrade then exclude centos-release from updates
> in your yum.conf. We will try to maintain security updates for CentOS
> 3.3 for as long as there are no issues that mean they cant be used (eg
> 3.4 specific dependency issue) -- but as soon as that happens we will
> have to close the CentOS 3.3 tree.
> From this point forward $releasever will stay at 3.  When 3.5 is
> released systems will automatically get updated.  To prevent this you
> will need to hard code 3.4 in yum.conf in place of $releasever. 
> To manually upgrade to CentOS-3.4 (now)
> ---------------------------------------
> first
> rpm -ivh
> http://mirror.centos.org/centos/3.4/os/i386/RedHat/RPMS/centos-yumcache-3.1-0.20050105.3.noarch.rpm
> (to avoid the header downloads)
> (Note: If you had poreviously upgraded from CentOS 3.1 then you will
> already have a cento s-yumcache rpm installed and rpm will complain , in
> which case use rpm -Fvh)
> rpm -Fvh
> http://mirror.centos.org/centos/3.4/os/i386/RedHat/RPMS/centos-release-3-4.2.i386.rpm
> (to get the new releasever)
> then
> yum update
> To automatically upgrade to CentOS 3.4 (from 72-96 hours time)
> ------------------------------------------------------
> We recommend that you install centos-yumcache before updating as it will
> save all the header downloading.
> yum install centos-yumcache
> yum update centos-release
> yum update
> Otherwise yum will take two update cycles to perform the update, the
> first will update centos-release and the second will download all the
> headers and then update all the packages.
> ----------
> The new CentOSplus repo is designed to allow us to provide extended
> functionality to CentOS without compromising compatibility with Redhat
> Enterprise Linux. Packages that will live in CentOSplus - such as
> MySQL-4 - would update packages in the base distro, so it is only
> recommended that you enable CentOSplus in yum.conf when you are sure
> that is what you want. The difference between CentOSplus and 'extras' is
> that 'extras' are additional packages that are not already installed, so
> would not update existing packages beyond Rhel-3 , but provide extra
> functionality.  It is hoped that there will be a wide range of
> CentOSplus packages provided in the future.
> -----------------------
> -- YUM --
> Your yum.conf should not get overwritten by the upgrade, but the new
> version may get written as yum.conf.rpmnew
> If your /etc/yum.conf file is a symlink to centos-yum.conf and you have
> manually edited centos-yum.conf, your centos-yum.conf file will be
> replaced by a new centos-yum.conf from the centos-yumconf rpm file in
> CentOS 3.4. Your existing centos-yum.conf file will be saved as
> yum.conf-SAVE.
> The following changes have been made tp the default centos-yum.conf :-
> Reference to the CentOSplus repository has been added (see below) but is
> not activated.
> The download path has changed from /centos-3/$releasever to
> /centos/$releasever to allow for update to CentOS-4 and later versions
> without having to change the configuration file.
> If you have edited yum.conf then neither of these changes will prevent
> it working but you would be advised to make them to avoid future
> problems.
> In order to accomodate compatibility with Dag's and other 3rd party
> repositories, the naming convention of centos-release has been changed. 
> The version is now 3 (rather than 3.3) and will remain fixed $releasever
> used by yum) for the life of CentOS 3.  The first number of the release
> will now carry the designation of the edition.
> For example, CentOS 3.4 ships with centos-release-3-4.2.  The version is
> 3 and the release is 4.2.  Compare this with the centos-release from the
> prior version:  centos-release-3.3-1.  yum detected $releasever as 3.3.
> Dag's excellent repository of Enterprise Linux RPMS. can be found at 
> http://dag.wieers.com/home-made/apt/
> -- RPM --
> Due to an upstream bug that causes RPM to fail and requires manual
> elimination of the RPM database, CentOS 3.4 ships with the RPM used in
> CentOS 3.3.  When the upstream providor releases a patched RPM the
> CentOS team will follow suit.  CentOS 3.4 ships with rpm-4.2.3-10 as did
> CentOS 3.3 rather than rpm-4.3.3-13 provided with rhel3 U4.
> (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=143532)
> -- MAILMAN --
> CentOS 3.4 now ships with mailman as released by RedHat with quarterly
> Update 4 (U4).  However the CentOS 3.4 verion is NOT compatible with the
> version available via CentOS 3.3 Extras.  Since you can't read the
> Mailman upgrade documentation, we have made the upgrade notes available
> on the CentOS website.  Read them here http://www.centos.org/mailman
> Databases will need to be manually updated per the instructions above. 
> If want to avoid upgrading Mailman at this time, then temporarily
> exclude mailman from updates in your yum.conf until you are happy with
> the upgrade.  
> No further updates to the 3.3 version of mailman will be released by the
> CentOS team.
> ------------
> To stay up to date with CentOS join the CentOS mailing list at
> http://lists.caosity.org/mailman/listinfo/centos
> Join #centos at irc.freenode.net
> Or participate in the web forums at www.centos.org
> Please add any errors or bugs you encounter to buzilla on
> http://www.centos.org/bugs.
> Enjoy,
> The CentOS Team
> Lance Davis
> CentOS 3 i386 Release Manager
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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