[Centos] bind and 3.4

Wed Jan 12 13:24:14 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Wed, January 12, 2005 7:14 am, Johnny Hughes said:
> On Wed, January 12, 2005 6:56 am, Lance Davis said:
>> On Wed, 12 Jan 2005, Ho Chaw Ming wrote:
>>> Yes. Happened on 20 of the servers we updated. It has to do with the
>>> caching-nameserver I believe. But yes, it caused some extra scrambling
>>> during the updates.
>> I have now removed caching-nameserver from the core os repo of 3.4 and
>> moved it to the testing repo.
>> It would appear that there is a problem with it as I have seen similar
>> reports elsewhere.
>> It shouldnt bite anyone else now.
>> It is still in the .isos but is safe for new installs.
>> I dont seem to be able to find anything in RH bugzilla which is strange.
>> Anyway - sorry for the problem and thanks for the reports.
>> Lance
> I also looked at the RedHat bugzilla and found:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=143558
> It is supposed to be fixed with this:
> http://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2004-696.html
> This is an upstream issue ... AND ... according to redhat, you shouldn't
> have caching-nameserver installed on a DNS server that is anything other
> than a caching-nameserver :).  It is indeed the caching-nameserver package
> that is causing the issue.

As further clarification, I point exactly to the post:


I think you should put the new caching-nameserver back into the U4
directories ... this will happen anytime redhat issues an update to
caching-nameserver and is exactly by design.

If you have DNS zones, remove caching-nameserver from that box...it is not
a caching-nameserver any longer

>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: centos-bounces at caosity.org [mailto:centos-bounces at caosity.org] On
>>> Behalf Of Francois Caen
>>> Sent: 12 January 2005 15:45
>>> To: centos at caosity.org
>>> Subject: [Centos] bind and 3.4
>>> Hello,
>>> I encountered a problem when upgrading from 3.3 to 3.4 on i386.
>>> The machine is a production name server running bind. Looks like the
>>> new
>>> rpm
>>> moved my named.conf to .rpmsave and chkconfig'ed bind to off.
>>> That's really bad. A more gentle behavior would have been to save the
>>> new
>>> named.conf to .rpmnew and not mess with initscripts.
>>> Anyone else notice that?
>>> Francois Caen

Johnny Hughes