[Centos] Re: Mod_Throttle for Apache 2?

Mon Jan 17 03:40:41 UTC 2005
Matt Shields <mattboston at gmail.com>

Forgot to add, yes, all 10000+ clients need to update during that 5
minute timeframe.

Matt Shields
http://shieldsmedia.com (currently under construction)
http://shieldsproductions.com (currently under construction)

On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 22:37:02 -0500, Matt Shields <mattboston at gmail.com> wrote:
> We have some custom software that is put out on our 6
> clustered(balanced) webservers.  Every 5 minutes that software checks
> into our server for a new version, if there is a new version it
> downloads it (20MB file).  This happens about 2-3 times per month.
> Currently there are over 10000 clients that need to download the
> update.  Up until this past week we were able to handle the load and
> this is putting a serious strain on our webservers.    We were hoping
> to throttle the amount of traffic that each of the webservers would
> take and the bandwidth that each client consumes.
> Previously I've used Mod_Throttle for Apache 1.3 on other projects,
> but on our new servers they are running Apache 2.  So are there any
> similar solutions for Apache 2?
> --
> Matt Shields
> http://masnetworks.biz
> http://shieldsmedia.com (currently under construction)
> http://shieldsproductions.com (currently under construction)