[Centos] Changing booted Kernel with grub

Tue Jan 25 04:54:39 UTC 2005
donavan nelson <donavan at 4wx.net>

Wayne Bastow wrote:
> Hi,
> I have updated the kernel to 2.4.21-27.0.2 on Centos 3.4 (was 3.3 when
> I did the kernel update) and have modified grub.conf to use the single
> CPU kernel:


> # grub.conf generated by anaconda
> default=1

default=0 as it starts counting at 0, thank a programmer for this...


> .......
> I then created a new symbolic link for Sytem.map in /boot to point to
> System.map-2.4.21-27.0.2.EL.

Shouldn't really be necessary.
