[CentOS] Re: Fighting some install issues with a new box -- last possibility, memory size ...

Bryan J. Smith

b.j.smith at ieee.org
Tue Jul 26 04:56:31 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-07-25 at 20:44 -0700, Sean O'Connell wrote:
> OK. But here's the problem. What difference will removing 2GB of Ram
> make any difference once the machine is back up and running with 4GB of
> RAM.

The idea here is to _eliminate_ the fact that it could be a memory hole
or 4GiB issue.  If it _is_ the 4GiB issue, then Tyan has a _lot_ of
explaining to do, and a fix to provide.  I seriously doubt this is your
issue, but I had to suggest it anyways.

>  would feel better if the PCI bus actually saw the card. I will
> try doing a few things tomorrow:
> 1) Try moving the 3Ware card from the 133MHz slot to one of the 66MHz
> slots and see if linux sees the card.
> 2) I will possibly try removing 2GB of RAM and see if things magically
> start working :)
> 3) I'll poke around in the BIOS some more and reread the kernel
> parameters list again and see if something obvious appears.

There's a lot of BIOS settings that could be affecting it at the post.

Bryan J. Smith                                     b.j.smith at ieee.org 
It is mathematically impossible for someone who makes more than you
to be anything but richer than you.  Any tax rate that penalizes them
will also penalize you similarly (to those below you, and then below
them).  Linear algebra, let alone differential calculus or even ele-
mentary concepts of limits, is mutually exclusive with US journalism.
So forget even attempting to explain how tax cuts work.  ;->

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