[CentOS] Re: Fighting some install issues with a new box -- Linux kernel issue then?

Sean O'Connell

oconnell at soe.ucsd.edu
Tue Jul 26 06:58:18 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-07-26 at 00:55 -0500, Bryan J. Smith wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-07-25 at 22:15 -0700, Sean O'Connell wrote:
> > Hmmm... I need to see what version of the BIOS is on this thing. When in
> > doubt, flash the BIOS.
> > http://www.tyan.com/support/html/b_s2895.html
> Ahhh, yes, I thought you would have already tried that.
> But, alas, I should have checked too, especially given ...

One thing I forgot to check. Foolish of me to think the vendor would
have flashed it with the latest. Again, I'll know more tomorrow.

> > One of the items in the listing is..
> > * Fixed some PCI-X device Option ROM does not scan or
> > * initialize correctly
> That's a damn big one.  I think you found your issue.
> Hmmm, the 3Ware posts, but it might not be initializing correctly.
> But still, you'd figure the 3w-xxxx driver would see it.
> Maybe it's not initializing some registers for PCI-X access correctly?

That's my one thought. I think I'll check various combinations of moving
the card and removing some memory, etc. It is odd that the card would
POST and (probably) show up in the boot option menu but not be
initialized properly. I just wish I knew what the BIOS would call the
3Ware card in that menu.
Sean O'Connell
Office of Engineering Computing         oconnell at soe.ucsd.edu
Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD      858.534.9716 (49716)

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