[CentOS] sda of CentOS 4 and hda Windows dual boot possible?

Bryan J. Smith

b.j.smith at ieee.org
Fri Jul 29 21:47:41 UTC 2005

Jim Perrin <jperrin at gmail.com> wrote:
> You don't have to mess with grub's device map. You can do
> it all from the windows section in the config

I'm not talking about the Windows remap.  I'm talking about
telling GRUB what Linux device maps to what BIOS device.

I.e., if you setup your BIOS so the SCSI controller boots
first, /boot/grub/device.map should be:  
  (hd0)  /dev/sda
  (hd1)  /dev/hda

If your BIOS is on-board chipset ATA controller first:  
  (hd0)  /dev/hda
  (hd1)  /dev/sda

Off-chipset ATA controller (assuming /dev/hde) first:  
  (hd0)  /dev/hde
  (hd1)  /dev/hda
  (hd2)  /dev/sda

GRUB needs to know how to map Linux devices to BIOS boot
order so GRUB is properly installed when you run
"grub-install," or when the "(hdX,Y)" references are used in

Bryan J. Smith                | Sent from Yahoo Mail
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