[CentOS] Re: Low RAM -- Security Appliance distros ...

Tue Jul 19 22:27:37 UTC 2005
Bryan J. Smith <b.j.smith@ieee.org> <thebs413 at earthlink.net>

From: User Lists <clopmz at yahoo.com>
> Thak you for your responses.
> I will use CentOS-3 as a firewall..

Nothing against CentOS as a firewall, but you might
consider a distro that is more focused as a plop'n drop
"security applicance" distro:  

4-zone segmentation (WAN, DMZ, LAN, WLAN)
Integrated real-time and statistical logging, Snort IDS, etc...
DDNS, Internal DNS, Squid Proxy server

Unless you want to learn how all the components work.
And even then, I'd edge you towards something like Gentoo.

Bryan J. Smith   mailto:b.j.smith at ieee.org