Hi, Just to let you know These rpms in CentOS 3.5 i386 : elinks-0.4.2-7.i386.rpm dos2unix-3.1-15.i386.rpm unix2dos-2.2-19.i386.rpm should be replaced by elinks-0.4.2-8.i386.rpm dos2unix-3.1-15.EL.22.i386.rpm unix2dos-2.2-19.EL.25.i386.rpm The SRPMS dir of CentOS 3.5 has both versions, so that's probably the cause of this. _________________________ Jan Kees van Amerongen Bioinformatics group, Utrecht University Room Z506, Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht, the Netherlands phone: +31 30 2533695 fax: +31 30 2513655 email: J.K.vanAmerongen at bio.uu.nl