[CentOS] ftp daemon problem

Fri Jul 8 00:43:40 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Thu, 2005-07-07 at 16:32 -0700, Jeff Lasman wrote:
> On Thursday 07 July 2005 12:36 pm, someone wrote offlist:
> > how is the user logging in -- what username? and what are the
> > ownerships and permissions on /home/jlasman/ ?
> The user on my local desktop is jlasman.  /home/jlasman is myself as a 
> local user on my desktop system.  Which is Mandriva 2005 LE.  But I 
> don't think that should matter.
> The remote server (running CentOS 4.1) user is test, set up as a 
> standard user with adduser and passwd.  But I did change the the 
> default shell to "nologin".  However nologin IS listed in /etc/shells, 
> so my understanding is it should work.
> The file I tried to transfer is:
> -rw-rw-r--  1 jlasman jlasman 2505 Jun 27 15:34 xorg.conf.work
> The permissions for /home/jlasman are:
> drwxr-xr-x  33 jlasman jlasman 4096 Jul  6 22:07 /home/jlasman/
> Any help appreciated.
> (Though I know you wrote me offlist, the questions are good and helpful 
> and I can only hope you won't mind my responding onlist in an attempt 
> to get as much help as possible.)

so ... on the server, you are logging in as the user "test" ? ... (if I
read your e-mail correctly) ... and not jlasman.

That would be the user who owns the file on the server, and it should be
in that user's (test) home directory.

Maybe I am not understanding your e-mail.
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