[CentOS] Backup Server with rsync methods

Fri Jul 8 13:30:23 UTC 2005
Bryan J. Smith <b.j.smith@ieee.org> <thebs413 at earthlink.net>

From: "scott.list" <scott.list at mlec.net>
> My real, main objective is to be able to get a config working on a
> local machine for FTP, Postfix, Apache, etc. then quickly getting a
> remote server up and running with those configs in a quick fashion.  I
> would like to have my configuration "portable" so to speak so I may
> change providers on a whim if desired, and to do minimal configuration
> on the remote server to quickly get it to the stage and setup of my
> main, home box.

Then you should maintain all configuration and other system-specific
files under CVS.  That way you know what may or may not need to
be changed, possibly with a couple of sed commands after checkout.

This is the greater detail of "configuration management" in general,
and not really specific to any backup scheme.

Bryan J. Smith   mailto:b.j.smith at ieee.org