[CentOS] How to query the package owning the file? (no packahe manger installed)

Fri Jul 15 12:32:47 UTC 2005
Chris Mauritz <chrism at imntv.com>

Simon Perreault wrote:

>On Friday 15 July 2005 08:05, Prasad Pillarisetti wrote:
>> How do I find out the package owning a particular file, when no package
>>managers are installed?
>If RPM is not installed, then no package can own a file since packages do not 
>Maybe you should have answered: Google!

Indeed.  I was scratching my head wondering why anyone would expect to 
get a "package name" for a file when it was not placed on the file 
system by a package manager.  There's no automated way to determine 
which software installation owns a particular file if you don't have a 
suitable package management system installed.  So, yes, it sounds like a 
trick question or (more likely) an inexperienced person or PHB doing the 
