[CentOS] Re: CentOS 4 post installation of all packages

Sat Jul 16 15:02:01 UTC 2005
dan1 <dan1 at edenpics.com>

>> yum groupinstall group_choosen
>> This seems quite a good thing.
>> However, it lacks a 'distro_everything' group that would allow us to 
>> instal
>> directly all packages of the distro. We must type each group manually and
>> it's a pain. That would be a must. Maybe it is something to add to the 
>> yum
>> functionnality ? Or else to make several top level groups that contain
>> almost everything ?
>how about:
>yum grouplist | sed -n "s/^   //p" | while read i; do echo yum -y 
>groupinstall "\"$i\""; done
>and then execute that...?
>or even directly
>yum grouplist | sed -n "s/^   //p" | while read i; do yum -y groupinstall 
>"$i"; done

Hello, MaZe (and not Angelo as I have mistakenly written it before).
This seems to be a clean way. Thanks for that useful code !
