Ugo Bellavance <ugob at> wrote: > I see, but it is necessary? Sometimes, too much > information is like not enough. Try putting yourself > in the head of someone who has been trying to use > linux for 3 weeks. 3 weeks. Does he need to know > how crappy is fedora's versionning scheme is? I tried to be brief, and essentially state that FC3 ~ RHEL4. That's all. Furthermore, I said the problem is the versioning scheme -- it really screws everything up for people, as he just found out. That's all. > When you're a beginner, you want something that works. > You don't want to get into deep details. He gave details, so I tried to explain details. That's all. I really tried to be brief for myself, that FC4 packages will not work well with RHEL4, and that if you're going to look at anything Fedora, stick with FC3. That's all. > Don't take that as in insult. You're probably the best > source of information I'll ever meet in all of my lives, > but flooding newbies with info can have a very negative > effect on their learning, Unless I missed something, I didn't know he was new until a subsequent post. But even then, I re-read my first response and thought it was to-the-point. > So what was the story of the original post? > 1- He tried Fedora, but switched to CentOS because of lack > of stability and he could now read DVD's. > 2- He found that there are a lot less applications > available for CentOS. > 3- He tried installing an RPM that was built for Fedora, > but it didn't work. Right. And I made a couple of notes on that for him. If he would sound off and said I "confused him further," I'll be very, very humble. In fact, no ego here, if that is indeed the case, I would very much like to hear it from him. On-list or off-list, his choice. > 4- He wants to have docs about installation of CentOS. > Conclusion: He wants to keep CentOS, but would like to have > more applications available. He probably doesn't care much > about _why_ a Fedora RPM doesn't work on CentOS. He wants > install docs for CentOS. Had he started with only RHEL/CentOS, I probably wouldn't have posted anything. But he said he got advise from the Fedora list, and I wanted to explain that RPMs from FC4 won't work on RHEL4. > Yes, but it looks like you fulfill your needs before the > original poster's. I'm sorry you see it that way. -- Bryan J. Smith | Sent from Yahoo Mail mailto:b.j.smith at | (please excuse any | missing headers)