[CentOS] Re: New to CentOS, and wondering about application availability

Thu Jul 28 04:58:42 UTC 2005
Dave Gutteridge <dave at tokyocomedy.com>


    I hope my comments about information gathering were not taken 
personally. I did not mean to be accusatory or anything. I appreciate 
the advice you were giving, and merely offering an opinion how maybe 
your wealth of knowledge could be made more accessible to a newbie such 
as myself.

>Something else is using the RPM database.
>It's just preventing multiple write access.
>Do you have up2date running?
Yes, that turned out to be the case. Thanks for suggesting this. The 
up2date icon was indicating something needed to be downloaded. So I went 
through the up2date process and completed it, and then re-ran the public 
key install, and it worked. I now have also successfully installed Xine.

Okay, now I'm over that obstacle, now I am curious. Why did Fedora seem 
to be able to install things through yum immediately after install, and 
CentOS had to do this key installation stuff?
