On Thu, 2005-07-28 at 18:10 -0500, William A. Mahaffey III wrote: > Monarch lists 3 1U all-copper-no-fan heat sinks that I bet would work. > Please note the speculative nature of that recommendation !!!! I have > been aiming for an Opteron based system for a while now, that's why I > joined this list :-). If you go component, I recommend Monarch Computer. They give you close to NewEgg price, while assembling systems proper, and they'll sell you RHEL with a full hardware/software SLA if you want or plunk Fedora, Debian, etc... if you don't. -- Bryan J. Smith b.j.smith at ieee.org --------------------------------------------------------------------- It is mathematically impossible for someone who makes more than you to be anything but richer than you. Any tax rate that penalizes them will also penalize you similarly (to those below you, and then below them). Linear algebra, let alone differential calculus or even ele- mentary concepts of limits, is mutually exclusive with US journalism. So forget even attempting to explain how tax cuts work. ;->