Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com> wrote: > Back up a step and I think you'd find that those companies > had mainframe X.500 systems that predate any PC or unix > implementations because at the time only a mainframe had > the necessary capacity. Some may still be running the > master copy on mainframes. Remember that the L in LDAP > means 'lightweight' which only makes sense in comparison > to X.500, If you didn't notice, I _did_ say "DAP" (X.500) in several places. Now maybe I wrote only "LDAP" in some places where I was talking about NsDS, Sun One and other solutions, but I _did_ say "DAP" for Novell eDirectory (fka NDS), because it does it. > and that from the start LDAP was designed to work as a tcp > front end query mechanism to X.500 directories as well as > a standalone database for smaller systems. Right. Whereas "DAP" can come in many protocol forms. -- Bryan J. Smith | Sent from Yahoo Mail mailto:b.j.smith at ieee.org | (please excuse any http://thebs413.blogspot.com/ | missing headers)