[CentOS] anaconda in centOS 4 fails to read md raid arrays

Feizhou feizhou at graffiti.net
Thu Jun 9 04:11:22 UTC 2005

Andreas Rogge wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 07.06.2005, 15:10 +0800 schrieb Feizhou:
>>You don't get good old fdisk via serial console or VNC...it is all 
>>crappy disk druid or autopartition. I wish fdisk was still an option...
> If you are trying to clean out the partitions anyway, you might try a
> %pre section in you ks-file.
> By simply doing something like "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/your_whole_disk
> bs=512 count=5" you can overwrite the first blocks of the disk including
> its partition-table before anaconda actually starts.
> (yes, i know it sucks, but it should work)

geez, I thought clearpart --linux in the kickstart file would do that 

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