[CentOS] Vote For CentOS :)

Bryan J. Smith

b.j.smith at ieee.org
Sat Jun 4 06:43:45 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-06-03 at 23:15 -0700, Preston Crawford wrote:
> Except that 99% of your posts are about credit, brandnames, marketing
> and trademarks.

Don't shoot the messenger.

Others are talking about credit.  I have continually said we _all_ stand
on the shoulders of others.

When it comes to brand names and marketing, I'm trying to get through
people who assume things based on brand names and marketing that it has
nothing to do with it.

As far as trademarks, that's the whole reason for the name change.  But
some people want to assume what Fedora is or what Red Hat is based on
brand names and marketing.

Again, don't shoot the messenger.

Bryan J. Smith                                     b.j.smith at ieee.org 
It is mathematically impossible for someone who makes more than you
to be anything but richer than you.  Any tax rate that penalizes them
will also penalize you similarly (to those below you, and then below
them).  Linear algebra, let alone differential calculus or even ele-
mentary concepts of limits, is mutually exclusive with US journalism.
So forget even attempting to explain how tax cuts work.  ;->

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