[CentOS] How fouled-up can you get??


sukru at cs.hacettepe.edu.tr
Thu Jun 23 12:58:57 UTC 2005

This is a high traffic mailing list, thus it's very normal to get many 
emails in a days.

It's easy to unsubscribe.

1. Go to http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos
2. Enter you e-mail in the box at the bottom and press "unsubscribe or edit"
3. Enter your password to continue, or press "remind" to have your 
password mailed to you.
4. In the large screen select "/Yes, I really want to unsubscribe" and 
press Unsubscribe

-- sukru

/beartooth wrote:

>I subscribed, and am getting emails hand over fist. They'll bust my inbox
>quota if I miss a day.
>I went to the web site for my subscription and tried to disable delivery;
>I'll follow this list on gmane or not at all -- and that works with every
>other mailman list I've tried.
>It wouldn't let me -- kept reverting to the password screen; I kept giving
>it the password, and making the change; and next time, the change was not
>there -- even though my password was letting me in.
>I sent an email to the address specified on the subscription website,
>asking for help. It sent me a piece of boilerplate in reply telling me I
>can't post (wanna bet?) -- because I'm not subscribed!

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