[CentOS] Re: centos] Re: centos] Attempting custom CentOS4 network install

Sat Jun 4 03:22:27 UTC 2005
R P Herrold <herrold at owlriver.com>

On Wed, 1 Jun 2005, Simon Perreault wrote:

> On Wednesday 01 June 2005 14:59, R P Herrold wrote:
>> On Wed, 1 Jun 2005, Bryan J. Smith <b.j.smith at ieee.org> wrote:
>>> I remember Seth talking awhile back on a Fedora list about the next
>>> generation installer (Anaconda-based?) being able to pull from YUM-RPM
>>> repositories at install-time for network installs.
>> this is presently possible with anaconda - I do it all the
>> time.  why wait?
> Could you point to some documentation about how to do this? Thanks!

Certainly -- take a look at:


which returns demonstration code with such content in its 
'%post' stanza, with trivial php scripting (sorry about the formatting 
in a generic graphical web browser --

use 'lynx -source \

and it is easier to read).  The relevant part is at the 

I documented a method predecessor of this years ago on the yum 
mailing list

for a 'look under the hood' for codeing to emit a yum.conf of 
that type, on the fly.  A ks.cfg is the same problemspace. 
Production code is a bit more complex ;)

- Russ Herrold