[CentOS] A questiong about replacing my failing drive

Mon Jun 13 01:54:54 UTC 2005
Bryan J. Smith <b.j.smith at ieee.org>

On Sun, 2005-06-12 at 21:56 -0300, Rodrigo Barbosa wrote:
> True. That is why I said I recomend ghost for when you are producing
> multiple copies.

There are still ways to multicast/broadcast UNIX sessions.  Even cat'ing
an archive, piping through netcat to a broadcast address would do the
same.  But there are, formal utilities for this for UNIX/Linux as well.
100% open source.

> Not for backup, and definitively not for a recovery procedure.

With UNIX/Linux, there's no difference.  We don't need specialized tools
to do such elementary things.

Bryan J. Smith                                     b.j.smith at ieee.org 
It is mathematically impossible for someone who makes more than you
to be anything but richer than you.  Any tax rate that penalizes them
will also penalize you similarly (to those below you, and then below
them).  Linear algebra, let alone differential calculus or even ele-
mentary concepts of limits, is mutually exclusive with US journalism.
So forget even attempting to explain how tax cuts work.  ;->