[CentOS] PenDrive still don't mount

Mon Jun 20 19:16:39 UTC 2005
Dominik Składanowski <dominik.skladanowski at ch.pw.edu.pl>

>>>>>>Few days ago I wrote about this problem
>>>>>>(http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos/2005-June/007086.html). Now,
>>>>>>after upgrade I have CentOS 4.1 and problem still exist.
>>>>>What happens if you:
>>>>>tail -f /var/log/messages
>>>>>then plug the drive in?  Do you see any associated messages?
>>>>Below is a fragment of /var/log/messages
>>[... cut ...]
>>>Well, you pendrive is getting detected without a problem, it seems.
>>>Maybe it is just a Gnome problem about automounting it.
>>># mkdir /mnt/pen
>>># mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/pen
>>>And see what happens.
>>I have no such device - sda1. Thre is no any sdx devices :( It is strange.
>>It happened, as I wrote before, after last 4.0 kernel update.
> # modprobe sd_mod
> Then check "dmesg" and /var/log/messages, and see if you get anything.

Here is dmesg after "modprobe sd_mod" 
(http://www.ch.pw.edu.pl/~dominik/dmesg), and here is /var/log/messages 
after "modprobe sd_mod" too (http://www.ch.pw.edu.pl/~dominik/messages).
D o m i n i k    S k ł a d a n o w s k i