On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 14:56:00 +0100, Peter Farrow <peter at farrows.org> wrote: > If a question really is very simple to answer, why not just give the > answer, after all asking questions is how we all learn.... > No. RTFM and then ask questions is how we all learn. If I see a question I'm interested in that I don't know the answer to, I'll do some research and find the answer. 75% of the time that I make a post that's what it's based upon. I'm frequently happy to do it because I'm increasing my own knowledge, but when the poster is of the "I need to be spoon fed" variety and asks a follow up question that is clearly answered online it's a waste of everyone's time. Besides, how many times have you seen the "I REALLY NEED HELP RIGHT NOW OMG I CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO XYZ!!!!! MY BOSS IS GOING TO FIRE ME, HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME!"? If you're used to getting spoon-fed and then get into a situation where you need help right now, spoon feeding is very unlikely to happen fast enough, but man/info/google are always there, unless you never learned to use them ;) I agree with Collins. The more people in his "group 2" the better. Respond with help and respond with a nudge. Greg