[CentOS] [ANNOUNCE] Areca SATA RAID drivers for CentOS 4.0

Mon May 2 16:21:34 UTC 2005
Matt Dainty <matt at bodgit-n-scarper.com>


To follow up my CentOS 4.0/Areca SATA RAID driver disk I created a month
or two ago, I have now created kernel-module-arcmsr RPMs containing just
the kernel module to track the kernel updates. This means:

a) No need to patch, rebuild and maintain customised kernels for Areca
b) Keep everything maintained with RPM

I've taken the latest kernel driver source as found in the
2.6.12-rc1-mm3 kernel, and built it for all variations of the
i586/i686/x86_64 2.6.9-5.0.5.EL CentOS 4.0 kernels.

I've also updated the driver disk so it now has the same kernel driver,
but built for all of the i586/i686/x86_64 2.6.9-5.0.3.EL kernels used on
the installer. There is also a nosrc RPM for the various utilities Areca
offer, but you'll have to build that one yourself as I don't know what
license they're released under.

As before, you can get them from here:


I only have an x86_64 machine with an Areca card, so if anyone is using
these packages on an i586 or i686 machine, please drop me a note so I at
least know they work.


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