[CentOS] CentOS4_64 On Dell

Tue May 3 09:19:58 UTC 2005
Peter Farrow <peter at farrows.org>

Rather than drawing the whole of the Centos mailing list into this shoot 
out........I would love to chat with you offline.....

The Xeons with EMT64 bit support now come with a 48 bit address but and 
support the long instruction set, what they do not have is the full and 
complete architecture that the AMD has, in that sense it is not a true 
64 bit CPU.  you are right in that it will run the 64bit code, but my 
response was that indeed it may run it slower than a 32bit optimized 
code.   The original first rev Xeons with this support actually reported 
themselves as Opterons, as some elements were plagiarised in such detail.

It comes down to this, would you rather have a 32bit Xeon CPU hotwired 
internally to run 64bit code with some extras sprinkled in, or would you 
want a true 64 bit CPU designed as such from scratch.  -  You have 
already pointed out already the advantages of implementation from AMD, 
so I think I know which one you choose.

Personally, and from a performance perspective, I'd want (and indeed 
use) the AMD 64 bit native offering....

What do you use?

Ps: if you're interested in my background and what basis I would make 
informed comments, rather than "pithy one liners" I'll chat offline with 
you,  They were not intended to be offensive, just enough to make you 
smile....  I do have to go into a meeting now, sorry I top post, but I 
do use Mozilla thunderbird (so I'm not all bad), which I had to 
re-configure to top post after world+dog complained about me "bottom 

Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

>On Tue, 3 May 2005 at 9:56am, Peter Farrow wrote
>>You may of course believe what you like.......
>No, really, what are you talking about?  I'd really like to know what you 
>actually think about this beyond pithy one liners as above.