[CentOS] pronunciation?

Wed May 18 17:54:07 UTC 2005
Craig White <craigwhite at azapple.com>

On Wed, 2005-05-18 at 11:54 -0500, Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:
> Todd Blake wrote:
> > Anyone know how centos is actually pronounced?  When people I work
> > with ask me which linux I run, I say it like the word scent - oh - s,
> > with a sharp S on the end.  How's everyone else say it?  How's it
> > supposed to be said?
> I'm pronouncing it using Croatian spelling rules.  Simply pronounce it 
> as it is written: CentOS!
> No guessing mambo-jumbo you have in English spelling rules (should they 
> be called rules at all?) ;-)
my best Canadian imitation...  'Eh ?


Of course pronunciation rules depends where on the globe you
reside...The people of Great Britain do not believe that Americans speak
English and listening to someone from Boston or Mississippi it doesn't
even seem to be the same language so rules - what rules?
