[CentOS] Nightly housekeeping/Logwatch periodically not running

Mon May 23 01:58:05 UTC 2005
Tom <admin at homemachine.net>

you won't get any mail if there's nothing to report :)

Chris Mauritz wrote:
> I've noticed something strange with a 3.4 test box that is basically 
> just sitting here in the lab.  I've got it configured to forward me the 
> Logwatch run (which seems to go off at 4:02am by default).  Every couple 
> of days, that logwatch run goes missing.  I haven't really dug down to 
> find out if the cron job is crapping out or if postfix is dropping the 
> report on the floor.  Is anyone else having this problem?  It's a 
> completely vanilla 3.4 system with all the latest patches on a single P4 
> 3.4ghz machine.  Otherwise, the system seems to be just dandy.  It's 
> quite speedy and has never given me an instant of trouble.
> *scratching my head*
> Cheers,
> C
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