[CentOS] Official CentOS CD/DVD Vendor Program

Thu May 26 17:34:37 UTC 2005
Chris Mauritz <chrism at imntv.com>

Johnny Hughes wrote:

>I would like to announce our Official CentOS CD/DVD Vendor Program.
>We currently have 3 vendors, and 2 more who are putting together their
>information. (Not bad ... the official program has been going for less
>than 12 hours :)
>The details of the program (how to get in it, what they give back to the
>CentOS Project, etc.) are here:

What's the point?  I checked out linux cd mall.  They charge $12.50 for 
the CD set (or DVD) and CentOS makes ONE DOLLAR.  Unless you envision 
tens of thousands of people buying CDs, it hardly seems like a 
worthwhile endeavor unless you're the CD distributor.

Why not just find a way to make it easier for people to donate directly 
to the project instead of creating a needless middleman who is taking 
92% of the money for each CD/DVD set sold?

Hell, for 92% of the profit, I'd be more than happy to sit at home and 
burn DVDs all day.  Where do I sign?  8-)
