[CentOS] CentOS4_64 On Dell

Tue May 3 08:56:34 UTC 2005
Peter Farrow <peter at farrows.org>

You may of course believe what you like.......

Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

>On Tue, 3 May 2005 at 9:47am, Peter Farrow wrote
>>"based on the same x86_64 technology that AMD introduced with their Opterons."
>If you didn't top post, you wouldn't have to re-type my quote.
>>Not on planet earth I'm afraid....
>Err, what are you talking about?  EM64T (as an instruction set) is 
>literally a clone of AMD64.  Not a perfect one, of course, as there are 
>differences.  There are also differences in implementation, the most 
>glaring of which being AMD's very smart move of putting the memory 
>controller on the CPU and connecting the CPUs via HyperTransport.  This 
>leads to much better scaling vs. Intel's continued reliance on the 
>bottleneck that is the shared memory controller hub.
>But the bottom line is that if you compile code for an x86_64 target (and 
>don't put in any Intel or AMD specific optimizations), it'll run on either 