On 5/4/05, Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de> wrote: > Leonard Isham wrote: > > Error message is: > > > > Starting Mail Virus Scanner (amavisd): Digest::MD5 version 2.22 > > required--this is only version 2.20 at... > > > > Googled for Digest::MD5 and found v2.33 > > (http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/Digest-MD5-2.33/MD5.pm) > > You know that the next perl upgrade in CentOS (or RHEL fwiw) will break > amavisd again, as it will overwrite your self compiled module? > sigh... Yes but what are my options? I'm not comfortable maintaining my own rpms, and unfortunately whoever made the rpm missed that dependency (errors happen). I don't see an elegant way to resolve this aside from taking on the task of maintaining it myself (then I fix my own problems which may be more than I'm going through now). -- Leonard Isham, CISSP Ostendo non ostento.