[CentOS] Re: Mini-centOS -- static libraries, XFCE

Fri May 13 13:21:42 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Fri, 2005-05-13 at 08:03 -0500, Bryan J. Smith  wrote:


> Consider switching to OpenOffice 2.0 [betas] (natively GTK+ now I believe?),
> HelixPlayer (GTK+ based) with the RealPlayer libraries added
> (HelixPlayer is from Real, and the new RealPlayer is Helix+non-free libs).

I plan to build a CentOS-Plus version of OpenOffice 2.0 when it is
released (didn't want to do it as a beta) :)

> Johnny Hughes wrote:
> >It won't get much faster if you choose those products :)
> As I mentioned, OpenOffice 2.0 and the new HelixPlayer are far more "native"
> in their libraries.  OpenOffice 2.0 is in beta and HelixPlayer should (?) be included
> in FC3/RHEL4, and it's simply a matter of adding the non-free libraries which
> turns it into RealPlayer.  I have to give Real a "thank you" for doing everything
> they could to make their offering to the community.
> >There is XFCE-4.2 that you could install instead of GNOME or KDE
> Well, you typically want to install XFCE _along_with_ GNOME, so it can use
> GNOME components when necessary.  But just have the user (as well as system
> for new users) default to XFCE.  XFCE takes some getting used to, but it's
> definitely worth it for older systems.

Yum installs a lot of the GNOME and gtk2 stuff as dependencies by just
installing the "XFCE-4.2" group.  If harddisc space is available, a full
GNOME install and switchdesk XFCE is fine too.


> With that said, I've seen no less than 5 YUM GUIs.
> What does everyone like?

I haven't found one that I like, but yum groupinstall is cool from the
CLI :)

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