[CentOS] firstboot? CentOS 3.4

Fri May 13 19:00:23 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Fri, 2005-05-13 at 11:01 -0700, Ken Godee wrote:
> What's the best way around "firstboot" ?
> "firstboot" hung my machine and had to blown it up to get past it.
> If you bypass firstboot, what other config settings is one missing?
> I found the following info....
> ====================================================================
> # Booting without Internet Connection / Stuck on RedHat Registration 
> during First Bootup
> This problem is caused by a package called firstboot. This package runs 
> during the first boot of the machine to do some additional 
> configurations that require your input. While most of these 
> configuration tasks do not require a network connection, the 
> Registration section does. The following steps will turn off firstboot:
>     1. Reboot your machine
>     2. When the grub screen displays, hightlight the line to boot RedHat 
> Enterprise and type "e"
>     3. Next Hightlight the line that starts with kernel type "e"
>     4. Add " -s" to the end of the line and press <Enter> key.
>     5. Type "b"
>     6. Once the machine finishes booting you should have a root shell 
> prompt that looks like sh-2.05#
>     7. At the shell prompt, type: chkconfig --del firstboot
>     8. Finally, type shutdown -r now which will reboot your machine
> ====================================================================
> While at the console prompt should one also just uninstall
> the rhn-applet rpm as well?
> Maybe I missed some notes somewhere on this or just shouldn't
> worry about it and just bomb around it??????
> I also noticed right after installing and logging in level 5
> that it seemed that after choosing to log out, that it wouldn't
> log out. There appeared to be the rhn-applet running in the
> background holding things up.
> Maybe I'm just hallucinating, I've installed 3.x several times
> now and don't remember running into this, or have forgotten.
I have never had an issue with firstboot

But, to make it not run ... on the first bootup press "a" to append
something to the kernel line

then just enter 3

after you boot to the console, turn off first boot
at /etc/sysconfig/firstboot ... and do

chkconfig firstboot off
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