[CentOS] named server

Tue May 17 16:58:29 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Tue, 2005-05-17 at 09:47 -0700, Lee Parmeter wrote:
> I started the named server on CentOS and it seems to
> resolve DNS request OK, but it does not seem to retain the
> info for very long. From what I can tell using "dig", a
> domain's ip address is retained for less than 12 hours. So
> in the morning, it takes 4+ seconds to resolve again the
> first time. Is there an adjustment somewhere for this or is
> the caching named support not enabled by default? 
> Also, I thought it would be faster if I set named to use my
> ISP's named server as the first choice. Where do I set this
> up, in root.hints?
> Anyone who knows more about "named" please feel free to
> comment!
> Thanks!
> Lee

I already sent 2 replys :)




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