[CentOS] Re: mplayer repository for CentOS

Fri May 20 17:39:08 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Fri, May 20, 2005 11:37 am, Bryan J. Smith <b.j.smith at ieee.org> said:
> From: William Warren <hescominsoon at emmanuelcomputerconsulting.com>
>> considering the FUD fedora talks about mixing repositories.
> It's not FUD, it's an issue with Debian as well.

I don't know if I would call it FUD ... BUT, if repos are going to work
together, they have to use consistent names for packages, so that
versioning will work properly.

>>From what I've seen, for the most part, as long as you pick one or the
> other repository, you're okay.  E.g., either DAG or FE+Lorg.

Since they don't do what I said (work togther to maintain naming for
versioning), then picking one or the other is the safest thing to do.

Just for the record, using the Fedora Core library on CentOS-4 can be
problematic (and even DAGs repo, for that matter) ... in that both can
overwrite base CentOS libraries.  I would highly recommend that you use a
includepkg= in your yum configuration for any external repo (even things
like centosplus).

Karanbir Singh is working on a rebuild of FC Extras that uses
functionality already in CentOS-4 and doesn't upgrade any packages (unless
required) that are part of the base centos.  Since FC is not CentOS, and
there are differences in some libraries, I would recommend Karanbir's repo
over FC Extras (for CentOS-4).  I don't have the address of this site
handy right now...I'm sure someone does.

I use Dag for stuff all the time by enabling it when I need it, and being
careful what I let it install ... it is a great resource.  Dries is good
as well.

Just be careful when using any external repo, as it can replace things you
don't want.

Johnny Hughes