[CentOS] PostgreSQL/SELinux Error - relation "pg_catalog.pg_user" does not exist

Tue May 24 15:07:19 UTC 2005
Feizhou <feizhou at graffiti.net>

Peter Farrow wrote:
> "This allows usera to give userb but no others (other than root of 
> course) full permissions on files that usera wants to share with userb 
> (0770). How else can usera do this if not via usera's group permissions"
> they cant if they are each in non joined groups, which is why 0770 is 
> the same as 0700

LOL. I cannot believe that the point was that because new users would be 
created with their own uid and gid and their home directory ownership 
set to the same makes a system more sloppy security wise.

Other than this facilitating the future use/need for usera to allow only 
select users to access some of usera's files, it makes no difference to 
the 'security sloppiness' of the system.