[CentOS] PostgreSQL/SELinux Error - relation "pg_catalog.pg_user" does not exist

Tue May 24 15:50:35 UTC 2005
Peter Farrow <peter at farrows.org>

yeah maybe..... but I think we've all discussed it all enough and maybe 
all thought about each others input

I know I have....

I still disable it though 'cause its a real pain....



Feizhou wrote:

> Peter Farrow wrote:
>> As you have pointed out it restricts the security granularity of the 
>> system, which in turn will lead to other "work arounds" to achieve 
>> better granlarity and those work arounds will ultimately lead to 
>> sloppiness, making Johns point very valid indeed.
> Er...you are going to have to prove the sloppiness part. I, for one, 
> cannot believe an issue was made out of an non-issue.
> Each user having their own group ADDS to the security granularity. it 
> does not restrict it.
> What is really needed is the ability to limit access to a file on a 
> per user account basis (acls), not by locking down via a group 
> permission. John is creating an issue out of a non-issue.
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