[CentOS] Demonizing generic Linux issues as Fedora Core-only issues -- WAS: Hi, Bryan

Tue May 24 16:50:05 UTC 2005
Feizhou <feizhou at graffiti.net>

>>Either way, tweaking is needed so I don't see the point of staying on 
>>CentOS 4. The kernel needs to be recompiled for XFS support and that 
>>means a recompile for every errata kernel release. ext3 + dir_index 
>>support is still too heavy although I don't relish a crash on XFS either.
> The kernel in the centosplus repo has XFS, NTFS, ReiserFS, JFS
> support ... the tools for XFS, JFS, ReiserFS are also in the centosplus
> repo.  These will be maintained.

I guess that is good news for my team to hear.